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The Silverchair Universe Presents Altmetric & Dimensions

Silverchair Universe Webinars
Altmetric data can provide valuable insight for publishers, editorial teams, authors, and readers on how their published content is being used and shared around the world. Altmetric badges can be easily embedded into the Silverchair Platform to showcase the online activity relating to individual articles, and the flexible API can be used to display data across your site. The powerful Altmetric Explorer enables your teams to access the full database, where they can monitor and report on the dissemination and uptake of every publication. Dimensions is an innovative, cross-publisher discovery engine which connects publications with grants, grants, clinical trials, patents, datasets and policy documents. Dimensions badges show a count of the number of citations an article has received, and clicking on them opens a page that displays more detail and visualizations on the number of recent citations, citing research categories, Field Citation Ratio and Relative Citation Ratio. Adding the Dimensions badges into the Silverchair Platform makes it easy to showcase the academic impact of an article. As partners in the Silverchair Universe, Altmetric and Dimensions offer Silverchair clients simplified integrations uniquely understood and supported by Silverchair's product and development teams, adding value and opportunities for publishers on the Silverchair Platform. Through the Silverchair Universe's community of complementary products and services, publishers are free to select the tools and partners that best address their unique challenges and provide the most value for their users.
September 2020